Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Leaving Things To The Last Minute

I will freely admit that when it comes to this, I am your number one culprit, and so, in fact, would be most people. Nobody likes to do things a month in advance when they could be doing so many other things. So, they let the work sit, and they wait for when they really have to do it.

So, in the past I would have thought about work, decided I have ages to do it, and then end up doing most of it within a week or a few days of the due date. Granted, this isn't as bad as leaving things until midnight the night before, or other things one might do, but it's not ideal. The reason why is simple.

The more time you leave yourself to do something, the more time there is to address any problems. So, in this, my second ever semester of Uni, I have decided to get things done as soon as possible.

When you think about it, two or three weeks is really not that long, and if you leave something alone, you might not have a clear idea of what you have to do in the last week. This applies in terms of exam study especially, when staying up the night before might actually be detrimental rather than beneficial.

However, the number one area of application to this problem for me recently has been writing. In my recent blogs I keep telling whoever reads this that I will write something, and get away from the other things I like to do in my spare time, like youtube, gaming, crafting, and so on. But, as much as I tell myself that, I end up doing nothing. This is a problem, because as it happens today is the last day of Camp NaNoWriMo. My saving grace is the fact that I did an average of about 3k words a day for the first half of the month, making my life for the last part easy.

Having less to do, however, doesn't mean I should have left it. I could have done much more than 50k words this month, and that would mean more of my novel would have been done. The point is, I'm lazy and I feel bad about it.

So, I'm off to write now. And you who reads this, go off and do what you've been putting off.


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